Source code for odoo_rpc_client.utils

# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
import six
import functools

__all__ = ('ustr',

# Check if anyfield is installed
# and import function which converts SField instances to functions
    from anyfield import toFn as normalizeSField
except ImportError:
    def normalizeSField(fn):
        return fn

[docs]def wpartial(func, *args, **kwargs): """Wrapped partial, same as functools.partial decorator, but also calls functools.wrap on its result thus shwing correct function name and representation. """ partial = functools.partial(func, *args, **kwargs) return functools.wraps(func)(partial)
def preprocess_args(*args, **kwargs): """ Skip all args, and kwargs that set to None Mostly for internal usage. Used to workaround xmlrpc None restrictions """ kwargs = {key: val for key, val in kwargs.items() if val is not None} # TODO: review this! It may bring errors xargs = list(args[:]) while xargs and xargs[-1] is None: xargs.pop() return xargs, kwargs def stdcall(fn): """ Simple decorator for server methods, that supports standard call If method supports call like ``method(ids, <args>, context=context, <kwargs>)``, then it may be decorated by this decorator to appear in dir(record) and dir(recordlist) calls, thus making it available for autocompletition in ipython or other python shells """ fn.__x_stdcall__ = True return fn
[docs]class UConverter(object): """ Simple converter to unicode Create instance with specified list of encodings to be used to try to convert value to unicode Example:: ustr = UConverter(['utf-8', 'cp-1251']) my_unicode_str = ustr(b'hello - привет') """ default_encodings = ['utf-8', 'ascii'] def __init__(self, hint_encodings=None): if hint_encodings: self.encodings = hint_encodings else: self.encodings = self.default_encodings[:] def __call__(self, value): """ Convert value to unicode :param value: the value to convert :raise: UnicodeError if value cannot be coerced to unicode :return: unicode string representing the given value """ # it is unicode if isinstance(value, six.text_type): return value # it is not binary type (str for python2 and bytes for python3) if not isinstance(value, six.binary_type): try: value = six.text_type(value) except Exception: # Cannot directly convert to unicode. So let's try to convert # to binary, and that try diferent encoding to it try: value = six.binary_type(value) except Exception: raise UnicodeError('unable to convert to unicode %r' '' % (value,)) else: return value # value is binary type (str for python2 and bytes for python3) for ln in self.encodings: try: res = six.text_type(value, ln) except Exception: pass else: return res raise UnicodeError('unable to convert to unicode %r' % (value,))
# default converter instance ustr = UConverter() # DirMixIn class implementation. To be able to use super calls to __dir__ in # subclasses (Py 2/3 support) # code is based on # try: object.__dir__ except AttributeError: class DirMixIn(object): """ Mix-in to make implementing __dir__ method in subclasses simpler """ def __dir__(self): def get_attrs(obj): import types if not hasattr(obj, '__dict__'): return [] # slots only if not isinstance(obj.__dict__, (dict, types.DictProxyType)): raise TypeError("%s.__dict__ is not a dictionary" "" % obj.__name__) return obj.__dict__.keys() def dir2(obj): attrs = set() if not hasattr(obj, '__bases__'): # obj is an instance if not hasattr(obj, '__class__'): # slots return sorted(get_attrs(obj)) klass = obj.__class__ attrs.update(get_attrs(klass)) else: # obj is a class klass = obj for cls in klass.__bases__: attrs.update(get_attrs(cls)) attrs.update(dir2(cls)) attrs.update(get_attrs(obj)) return list(attrs) return dir2(self) else: # There are no need to implement any aditional logic for Python 3.3+, # because there base class 'object' already have implemented # '__dir__' method, which could be accessed via super() by subclasses
[docs] class DirMixIn: pass
[docs]class AttrDict(dict, DirMixIn): """ Simple class to make dictionary able to use attribute get operation to get elements it contains using syntax like: >>> d = AttrDict(arg1=1, arg2='hello') >>> print(d.arg1) 1 >>> print(d.arg2) hello >>> print(d['arg2']) hello >>> print(d['arg1']) 1 """ def __getattr__(self, name): res = None try: res = super(AttrDict, self).__getitem__(name) except KeyError as e: raise AttributeError(str(e)) return res def __dir__(self): res = super(AttrDict, self).__dir__() + list(self.keys()) return list(set(res))