Source code for openerp_proxy.ext.sugar

Provides some syntax sugar to ease acces to objects, records, etc


import numbers

from ..utils import DirMixIn
from ..orm.record import (ObjectRecords,
from .. import Client

[docs]class ObjectSugar(ObjectRecords): """ Provides aditional methods to work with data Also defines *__getitem__* and *__call__* methods, to simplify acces to records via *ID*, *name_search* and *simple search*. Detailad below. Imagine we have Object instance *obj*:: obj = db.get_obj('stock.move') # get move obj object so_obj = db['sale.order'] # get sale order object And this class provides folowing features. 1. get record by ID:: move = obj[125] # returns stock move record with ID=125 moves = obj[125,126,127] # returns record list of three move # records for IDS 125, 126, 127 2. get total number of records in model:: len(so_obj) # returns total number of sale order 3. iterate over all records in model:: for so in so_obj: print( 4. name_search Calling object with record name as first argument will execute name search on passed name:: so = so_obj('SO005') # Returns sale order with name 'SO005' so2 = so_obj('5') # If there are more than one records # found by name, then RecordList # will be returned. In this case # this call may return list which will # contain for example sale orders with # names like 'SO005', 'SO015', etc. 5. simple search. If pass domain as first argument when calling object, then *search_records* method will be called with all arguments forwarded:: res = so_obj([('state','=','done')], limit=10) # res -> RecordList('sale.order', length=10) Also for simple searches without joins it is posible to pass just only keyword arguments which all will be converted to domain:: res = so_obj(state='done') But note, that in last way, **all keyword arguments will be converted to domain, no one of them will be forwarded to search_records**, so it is not posible, for example, to limit results at this moment """
[docs] def search_record(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Aliase to *search_records* method to fetch only one record (aditionaly adds *limit=1* keyword argument """ kwargs['limit'] = 1 return self.search_records(*args, **kwargs)[0]
# Overriden to be able to read items using index operation def __getitem__(self, name): if isinstance(name, (numbers.Integral, list, tuple)): return self.read_records(name) raise KeyError("Bad key: %s! " "Only integer or list of intergers allowed" % name) # Overridden to count all records in this object def __len__(self): return[], count=True) # Overrident to add ability to iterate over model def __iter__(self): return iter(self.search_records([])) # Smart search and name search def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Performs name_search by specified 'name' (below under name 'name' i mean first of 'args') if name is list or tuple, then search_records will be called if name not passed or name is None, then kwargs will be used to build search domain and search_records will be called else name_search method will be used """ args = list(args) name = args.pop(0) if args else None # no arguments, only keyword arguments passsed, # so build domain based on keyword arguments if name is None: domain = [(k, '=', v) for k, v in kwargs.items()] return self.search_records(domain, *args) # normal domain passed, then just forward all arguments and # keyword arguments to *search_records* method if isinstance(name, (list, tuple)): return self.search_records(name, *args, **kwargs) # implement name_search capability context = kwargs.get('context', None) res = self.name_search(name, *args, **kwargs) ids = [i[0] for i in res] if len(ids) == 1: return self.read_records(ids[0], context=context) return get_record_list(self, ids=ids, context=context)
[docs]class ClientSugar(Client, DirMixIn): """ Provides some syntax sugar for Client class As one of it's features is ability to access objects as attributes via *object aliases*. Each aliase is object name with underscores replaced by double underscores and dots replaced by single underscores and prefixed by underscore. For example all folowing lines will return same result .. code:: python sm = client._stock_move sm = client['stock.move'] sm = client.get_obj('stock.move') One more features of this extension class, is ability to access plugins directly from client as it's attributes. So folowing lines are equal .. code:: python test_plugin = client.plugins.Test test_plugin = client.Test """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(ClientSugar, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._object_aliases = None @property def object_aliases(self): """ Property, that holds list of all object aliases for this Client instance """ if self._object_aliases is None: self._object_aliases = {} for oname in self.registered_objects: # TODO: think about other names of objects-as-attributes key = '_%s' % oname.replace('_', '__').replace('.', '_') self._object_aliases[key] = oname return self._object_aliases def __dir__(self): res = super(ClientSugar, self).__dir__() res += self.object_aliases.keys() res += self.plugins.registered_plugins return res def __getattr__(self, name): objname = self.object_aliases.get(name, None) if objname is not None: return self.get_obj(objname) if name in self.plugins: return self.plugins[name] raise AttributeError("'Client' object has no atribute %s" % name)
[docs] def clean_caches(self): """ Clean client related caches """ super(ClientSugar, self).clean_caches() self._object_aliases = None