Source code for openerp_proxy.core

# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
This module provides some classes to simplify access to Odoo server via xmlrpc.

Example ussage of this module

.. code:: python

    >>> cl = Client('', 'dbname', 'some_user', 'mypassword')
    >>> sale_obj = cl['sale_order']
    >>> sale_ids =[('state','not in',['done','cancel'])])
    >>> sale_data =, ['name'])
    >>> for order in sale_data:
    ...     print("%5s :    %s" % (order['id'],order['name']))
    >>> product_tmpl_obj = cl['product.template']
    >>> product_obj = cl['product.product']
    >>> tmpl_ids =[('name','ilike','template_name')])
    >>> print([('product_tmpl_id','in',tmpl_ids)]))

    >>> db = Client('', 'dbname='db0', user='your_user')
    >>> so = db['sale.order']
    >>> order_ids =[('state','=','done')])
    >>> order =[0])

Also You can call any method (beside private
ones starting with underscore(_)) of any model.
For example following code allows to check
availability of stock moves:

.. code:: python

    >>> db = session.connect()
    >>> move_obj = db['stock.move']
    >>> move_ids = [1234] # IDs of stock moves to be checked
    >>> move_obj.check_assign(move_ids)

Ability to use Record class as analog to browse_record:

.. code:: python

    >>> move_obj = db['stock.move']
    >>> move = move_obj.browse(1234)
    >>> move.state
    ... 'confirmed'
    >>> move.check_assign()
    >>> move.refresh()
    >>> move.state
    ... 'assigned'
    >>> move.picking_id
    ... R('stock.picking', 12)['OUT-12']
    ... 12
    ... 'OUT-12'
    >>> move.picking_id_.state
    ... 'assigned'

import six
import re
from extend_me import Extensible
from pkg_resources import parse_version

# project imports
from .connection import get_connector
from .exceptions import LoginException
from .service import ServiceManager
from .plugin import PluginManager

# Enable ORM features
from . import orm  # noqa

__all__ = ('Client',)

RE_CLIENT_URL = re.compile(

[docs]@six.python_2_unicode_compatible class Client(Extensible): """ A simple class to connect to Odoo instance via RPC (XML-RPC, JSON-RPC) Should be initialized with following arguments: :param str host: server host name to connect to :param str dbname: name of database to connect to :param str user: username to login as :param str pwd: password to log-in with :param int port: port number of server :param str protocol: protocol used to connect. To get list of available protcols call: ``openerp_proxy.connection.get_connector_names()`` any other keyword arguments will be directly passed to connector Example:: >>> db = Client('host', 'dbname', 'user', pwd = 'Password') >>> cl = Client('host') >>> db2 = cl.login('dbname', 'user', 'password') Allows access to Odoo objects / models via dictionary syntax:: >>> db['sale.order'] Object ('sale.order') """ def __init__(self, host, dbname=None, user=None, pwd=None, port=8069, protocol='xml-rpc', **extra_args): self._dbname = dbname self._username = user self._pwd = pwd self._connection = get_connector(protocol)(host, port, extra_args) self._services = ServiceManager(self) self._plugins = PluginManager(self) self._uid = None self._user = None self._user_context = None self._database_version_full = None @property def dbname(self): """ Name of database to connect to :rtype: str """ return self._dbname @property def username(self): """ User login used to access DB :rtype: str """ return self._username @property def host(self): """ Server host :rtype: str """ return @property def port(self): """ Server port """ return self._connection.port @property def protocol(self): """ Server protocol :rtype: str """ return @property def services(self): """ ServiceManager instance, which contains list of all available services for current connection. :rtype: openerp_proxy.service.service.ServiceManager Usage examples:: # report service # object service (model related actions) # used for login # (, # username, # password) # database management service """ return self._services @property def plugins(self): """ Plugins associated with this Client instance :rtype: openerp_proxy.plugin.PluginManager Usage examples:: db.plugins.module_utils # access module_utils plugin db.plugins['module_utils] # access module_utils plugin """ return self._plugins @property def connection(self): """ Connection to server. :rtype: openerp_proxy.connection.connection.ConnectorBase """ return self._connection @property def uid(self): """ Returns ID of current user. if one is None, connects to database and returns it :rtype: int """ if self._uid is None: self._uid = self.connect() return self._uid @property def user(self): """ Currenct logged in user instance :rtype: openerp_proxy.orm.record.Record """ if self._user is None: self._user = self.get_obj('res.users').read_records(self.uid) return self._user @property def user_context(self): """ Get current user context :rtype: dict """ if self._user_context is None: self._user_context = self.get_obj('res.users').context_get() return self._user_context @property def server_version(self): """ Server base version ('8.0', '9.0', etc) (Already parsed with ``pkg_resources.parse_version``) """ return @property def database_version_full(self): """ Full database base version ('', etc) (Already parsed with ``pkg_resources.parse_version``) """ if self._database_version_full is None: base_module = self.get_obj('ir.module.module').search_records( [('name', '=', 'base')])[0] self._database_version_full = parse_version( base_module.installed_version) return self._database_version_full @property def database_version(self): """ Base database version ('8.0', '9.0', etc) (Already parsed with ``pkg_resources.parse_version``) """ return parse_version( '.'.join( self.database_version_full.base_version.split('.', 2)[:2])) @property def registered_objects(self): """ List of registered in Odoo database objects :rtype: list """ return['object'].get_registered_objects()
[docs] def login(self, dbname, user, password): """ Login to database Return new Client instance. (Just an aliase on ``connect`` method) :param str dbname: name of database to connect to :param str user: username to login as :param str password: password to log-in with :return: new Client instance, with specifed credentials :rtype: openerp_proxy.core.Client """ return self.connect(dbname=dbname, user=user, pwd=password)
[docs] def connect(self, **kwargs): """ Connects to the server if any keyword arguments will be passed, new Proxy instnace will be created using folowing algorithm: get init args from self instance and update them with passed keyword arguments, and call Proxy class constructor passing result as arguments. **Note**, that if You pass any keyword arguments, You also should pass 'pwd' keyword argument with user password :return: Id of user logged in or new Client instance (if kwargs passed) :rtype: int|Client :raises LoginException: if wrong login or password """ if kwargs: init_kwargs = self.get_init_args() init_kwargs.update(kwargs) return Client(**init_kwargs) # Get the uid if self._pwd is None or self.username is None or self.dbname is None: raise LoginException("User login and password required " "for this operation") uid =['common'].login(self.dbname, self.username, self._pwd) if not uid: raise LoginException("Bad login or password") return uid
[docs] def reconnect(self): """ Recreates connection to the server and clears caches :return: ID of user logged in :rtype: int :raises ClientException: if wrong login or password """ self._uid = None self._uid = self.connect() return self._uid
[docs] def execute(self, obj, method, *args, **kwargs): """Call method *method* on object *obj* passing all next positional and keyword (if available on server) arguments to remote method Note that passing keyword argments not available on OpenERp/Odoo server 6.0 and older :param obj: object name to call method for :type obj: string :param method: name of method to call :type method: string :return: result of RPC method call """ return['object'].execute(obj, method, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def execute_wkf(self, object_name, signal, object_id): """ Triggers workflow event on specified object :param object_name: send workflow signal for :type object_name: string :param signal: name of signal to send :type signal: string :param object_id: ID of document (record) to send signal to :type obejct_id: int """ result_wkf =['object'].execute_wkf(object_name, signal, object_id) return result_wkf
[docs] def get_obj(self, object_name): """ Returns wraper around Odoo object 'object_name' which is instance of orm.object.Object class :param object_name: name of an object to get wraper for :return: instance of Object which wraps choosen object :rtype: openerp_proxy.orm.object.Object """ return['object'].get_obj(object_name)
[docs] def ref(self, xmlid): """ Return record for specified xmlid :param str xmlid: string representing xmlid to get record for. xmlid must be *fully qualified* (with module name) :return: Record for that xmlid or False :rtype: openerp_proxy.orm.record.Record """ try: module, name = xmlid.split('.') except ValueError: raise ValueError( "Fully qualified xmlid required! (Ex. 'module_name.xmlid'") res = self[''].search_records( [('module', '=', module), ('name', '=', name)], limit=1) if res: return res[0] return False
def __getitem__(self, name): """ Returns instance of Object with name 'name' """ res = None try: res = self.get_obj(name) except ValueError: raise KeyError('Wrong object/model name: %s' % name) return res
[docs] def get_init_args(self): """ Returns dictionary with init arguments which can be safely passed to class constructor :rtype: dict """ return dict(user=self.username,, port=self.port, dbname=self.dbname, protocol=self.protocol, **self.connection.extra_args)
[docs] @classmethod def to_url(cls, inst, **kwargs): """ Converts instance to url :param inst: instance to convert to init args :type inst: Client|dict :return: generated URL :rtype: str """ url_tmpl = "%(protocol)s://%(user)s@%(host)s:%(port)s/%(dbname)s" if isinstance(inst, Client): return url_tmpl % inst.get_init_args() elif isinstance(inst, dict): return url_tmpl % inst elif inst is None and kwargs: return url_tmpl % kwargs else: raise ValueError("inst must be Client instance or dict")
[docs] @classmethod def from_url(cls, url): """ Create Client instance from URL :param str url: url of Client :return: Client instance :rtype: Client """ m = RE_CLIENT_URL.match(url) if m: data = dict(m.groupdict()) data['protocol'] = data.get('protocol', None) or 'xml-rpc' data['port'] = int(data.get('port', None) or '80') return Client(**data) raise ValueError("Cannot parse url")
# TODO: think to reimplement as property
[docs] def get_url(self): """ Returns dabase URL At this moment mostly used internaly in session """ return self.to_url(self)
[docs] def clean_caches(self): """ Clean client related caches """ self.plugins.refresh() self._user_context = None self._user = None self._database_version_full = None
def __str__(self): return u"Client: %s" % self.get_url() def __repr__(self): return str(self) def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Client): return self.get_url() == other.get_url() else: return False