Source code for openerp_proxy.connection.jsonrpc

# python imports
import json
import random
import requests
import logging

# project imports
from .connection import ConnectorBase
from .. import exceptions as exceptions
from ..utils import ustr

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class JSONRPCError(exceptions.ConnectorError): """ JSON-RPC error wrapper """ def __init__(self, message, code=None, data=None): self.message = message self.code = code = data if self.data_message and self.data_debug: msg = u"""%(message)s\n%(debug)s\n""" % elif msg = ustr( else: msg = self.message super(JSONRPCError, self).__init__(msg) @property def data_message(self): """ Error message got from Odoo server """ if return'message', None) @property def data_debug(self): """ Debug information got from Odoo server Usualy traceback """ if return'debug', None)
# TODO: think, may be it is a good idea to reimplement this via functions
[docs]class JSONRPCMethod(object): """ Class that implements RPC call via json-rpc protocol """ __slots__ = ('__method', '__url', '__service', '__rpc_proxy') def __init__(self, rpc_proxy, url, service, method): self.__method = method self.__url = url self.__service = service self.__rpc_proxy = rpc_proxy
[docs] def prepare_method_data(self, *args): """ Prepare data for JSON request """ return { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": 'call', "params": { "service": self.__service, "method": self.__method, "args": args, }, "id": random.randint(0, 1000000000), }
def __call__(self, *args): method_data = self.prepare_method_data(*args) data = json.dumps(method_data) # Call rpc try: res =, data=data, headers={ "Content-Type": "application/json", }, verify=self.__rpc_proxy.ssl_verify) except requests.exceptions.RequestException as exc: msg = ("Cannot connect to url %s\n" "Exception %s raised!" % (self.__url, exc)) logger.error(msg) raise JSONRPCError(msg) # Process results try: result = json.loads(res.text) except ValueError: info = { "original_url": self.__url, "url": res.url, "code": res.status_code, "content": res.text[:2000], "method_data": method_data, } logger.error("Cannot decode JSON") raise JSONRPCError("Cannot decode JSON: %s" % info) if result.get("error", None): error = result['error'] raise JSONRPCError(error['message'], code=error.get('code', None), data=error.get('data', None)) # if 'result' is not present in response object, then it seems, that # result is None return result.get("result", None)
[docs]class JSONRPCProxy(object): """ Wrapper class around XML-RPC's ServerProxy to wrap method's errors into XMLRPCError class """ def __init__(self, host, port, service, ssl=False, ssl_verify=True): = host self.port = port self.service = service addr = host if port not in (None, 80): addr += ':%s' % self.port self.url = '%s://%s/jsonrpc' % (ssl and 'https' or 'http', addr) # request parametrs self.ssl_verify = ssl_verify # variable to cach methods self._methods = {} def __getattr__(self, name): meth = self._methods.get(name, None) if meth is None: self._methods[name] = meth = JSONRPCMethod(self, self.url, self.service, name) return meth
[docs]class ConnectorJSONRPC(ConnectorBase): """ JSON-RPC connector available extra arguments: - ssl_verify: (optional) if True, the SSL cert will be verified. """
[docs] class Meta: name = 'json-rpc' use_ssl = False
# Need for backward compatability, because there 'verbose' keyword argument # may be present in extra_args due to old sessions saved with this arg def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(ConnectorJSONRPC, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.extra_args.pop('verbose', None) def _get_service(self, name): return JSONRPCProxy(, self.port, name, ssl=self.Meta.use_ssl, **self.extra_args)
[docs]class ConnectorJSONRPCS(ConnectorJSONRPC): """ JSON-RPCS Connector """
[docs] class Meta: name = 'json-rpcs' use_ssl = True